Behind the scenes of our Seed of Life movement, you will find Lightworkers who are dedicated to raising the consciousness of the planet. Our team is made up of a talented group of souls with diverse experience in both conventional and alternative settings. Their background spans areas of expertise like channeling, genetics, healing and hypnotherapy to teaching in alternative schools, social work and mentoring children with diagnosed learning disabilities. You will also find loving parents, like you, who realized their path of service by tending to the needs of their highly sensitive children. Our volunteers are carefully selected for their talents and abilities, but especially their aptitude to hold a high vibration and conscious perspective as new programs are envisioned and
brought to light.
Dafna Ohana
Volunteer Coordinator
Dafna Ohana serves as Volunteer Coordinator for Seed of Life, overseeing all facets of project management for its various initiatives and efforts. She brings invaluable experience to this role, having served in a variety of positions including general administration, department manager and program coordinator. One of her demonstrated strengths has been reforming systems within organizations to support a smoother and more efficient flow of work. She believes that creating a communicative environment within the entire organizational structure assists both in shaping a stronger organization as well as more fulfilled people. She is passionate about working with people’s strengths, and believes that together we are greater than the parts. Dafna is an Energy Intuitive, Metaphysical Hypnotherapist and open channel for cellular integration and DNA encodement. She developed a process that is intuitively guided and incorporates variety of modalities. Dafna assists in opening the auric field and integrating the subtle layers with the physical structure. Above all, she is a Mystic, intimately connected to the Heart of Spirit and the ways in which our human experience weaves the expansion of consciousness. She sees life as a magical gift and source of collaboration with Divine Light and Sacred Creation. In the purest core of her heart, her intention is to regenerate the Earth and restore harmony to creation. Being fascinated by the purpose of our existence, Dafna deeply understands the intricacies of consciousness and the role our human experience plays in creation. With great care and insightful clarity, she gently Guides others through a profound and deeply transformative process of illumination, recollection and energetic attunement. Dafna received a BFA from Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, is a Registered Clinical Counselling-Hypnotherapist, Past-Life Regression specialist, Reiki Master, Energy Intuitive and Cellular Attunement specialist.
Ethann Fox
Ethann Fox is a spiritual teacher who assists lightworkers to uncover and live their life missions through his unique ability to remove karmic density and raise consciousness. As the founder of the Flower Of Life Institute, he oversees the vision and direction of global initiatives such as the AAE Expo, Seed Of Life School, AAE Magazine, and AAE tv, for which he is also the host. As a serial entrepreneur, Ethann has focused much of his career in business, finance, branding, and marketing, while also becoming an accomplished astrologer and numerologist of 26 years. Ethann now uses his expertise, to assist Lightworkers to develop their spiritual gifts, build world class brands, and create opportunities to reach a
global audience.
Micheila Sheldan
Executive Director
Micheila Sheldan is an Intuitive Channel whose mission is to inspire others to fearlessly live their soul’s higher purpose, as well as support Lightworkers through a very transitional time on our planet. She channels a variety of guides, archangels, ascended masters and interdimensional collectives offering transmissions via live lectures, writings and group course work. Micheila also serves as the Executive Director of the Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution and works with volunteers on a variety of projects ranging from conscious action initiatives and youth programs to the organization’s international expo and magazine. She is the mother of two very gifted teenage daughters who have both awakened to spirit communication and unique energetic abilities.
Barb Morey
Aura Reader
Barb Morey had seen people glowing with beautiful colors since birth. And throughout her life developed a sense of how to detect health problems and even impending death by carefully evaluating this glow. But it wasn't until her late 30s that Morey realized what she was seeing was an aura. When a therapist recognized and defined her creative gifts, she was inspired to study auras and healing modalities. In addition to her own personal research, Morey studied under gifted aura reader and author, Barbara Bowers.

At the same time, she became interested in the healing benefits of massage and mastered many disciplines, including reflexology, myofascial, Jin Shin Do and advanced cranial. By combining her intuitive understanding of crystals, aura reading gifts and massage skills, Morey discovered her purpose... healing others. She feels fulfilled and grateful for these gifts and is dedicated to the continual research and discovery of healing in her own life and the lives of others.